Children’s Music Groups
Rehearsals: September – May
There’s a Beargrass music group for all children age 3 through grade 5. Singing groups are under the direction of Meg Blackwell and Children’s Handbells are directed by Rev. Steven Straub.
Melody Makers
Sunday Morning, 9:50-10:10 in the Chapel. A choir for children ages 3 years old to Kindergarten. We meet Sundays from September to May. It is a great chance for your child to not only learn and perform songs for the church services, but we also play musical games. Melody Makers sings during a church service once a month as well as participating in the Disciples Women Christmas Concert. Come join us for music and fun!
Children’s Choir – Wednesday Option
Wednesday Evening, 6:30-7:30. Rehearsals take place during Wednesday evening programming and include both Bible study and choir. Bible study employs a “workshop rotation” model. Children learn a Bible story by a variety of interactive experiences including games, art, science, and drama. During the music portion of the program children will learn special music for Sunday worship, prepare songs for a Christmas concert, and rehearse for a spring musical.
Children’s Handbell Choir
Wednesday Evening, 5:45-6:15 in Room 200. For grades 1-5.No previous experience needed. Meets during the program year (September to May).