Music plays a very important role in setting the tone for worship at Beargrass. We invite adults, youth, and children to share their gifts through our various musical groups.
Adult Music

Praise Team – The Praise Team focuses on contemporary music at the 9:00 am service each Sunday. The Praise Team consists of a complete rhythm section and multiple singers and instrumentalists who rotate Sundays. The Praise Team is under the direction of John Wilhoit.
Beargrass Choir – The Beargrass Choir sings at the 11:00 am service each Sunday. This choir also presents special concerts at Christmas and Easter. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evening from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. The Beargrass Choir is under the direction of Daniel Spurlock.
Chamber Handbell Choir – The Chamber Handbell Choir performs periodically at our worship services and participates annually in a regional handbell festival sponsored by the Handbell Musicians of America. Rehearsals are on Tuesday from 7:00 – 8:00 pm in the sanctuary. The Chamber Handbell Choir is under the direction of Rev. Steven Straub.
Youth Music

A youth praise team often leads worship in the 9 am service that contains a fifth Sunday. Youth are encouraged to share their gifts in worship in a variety of ways. Examples include singing, playing instruments, ringing handbells, designing bulletin covers, participating in skits, and much more. If a youth is interested in participating in worship, please contact Rev. Rob Shrader.
Children’s Music

Our children’s choirs work on music which they present during our Sunday morning worship services. They also sing during the DWM Christmas concert and present a musical in the spring. They also take part in the Children’s Sunday and Christmas Eve services.
Melody Makers – Children who are ages three through kindergarten rehearse on Sunday mornings from 9:50 – 10:10 am in room 119. They are under the direction of Meg Blackwell.
Children’s Vocal Choir – Children in grades 1-5 meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 7:30 pm for both Bible Study and choir rehearsal. Children prepare special music for worship, the children’s Christmas concert, and the spring musical. The Children’s Choir is under the direction of Meg. Blackwell.
Children’s Handbell Choir – Children in grades 1-5 meet from 6:00 – 6:45 pm on Wednesday evenings in room 200. The Children’s Handbell Choir is under the direction of Steven Straub.