Ministry Team Night was held on Monday, July 15. Led by Leigh Turner, Mission Board Chair, the gathering took place on Zoom. Our Ministry Team meetings continue to reinforce how our shared spiritual foundation strengthens our resolve and propels us forward in our mission, creating an unstoppable tide of progress.
To open the meeting, Beargrass’ Mission Teams came together as one group. We heard from Chris Rakestraw, Chair of the Reconciliation Ministry Team, and Mike Puckett, Chair of the Mission Support Ministry Team. We also heard a final word from Dr. Trey Flowers before heading to individual Ministry Team breakout meetings.
Chris celebrated the success of our Juneteenth event and described the planning process as, “Being fueled by incredible teamwork and communication. The final piece of the magic was the standing room only crowd in Chalice Hall during the Juneteenth celebration. This was made possible because of the work of all people together, producing something much larger than what we could have accomplished by ourselves. To me, I think of it as living as the body of Christ enlivened by the Holy Spirit. Each team offered their gifts, talents, and presence for the building up of the body. What God creates is much more than the sum of its parts. And it reminds me of a passage of scripture. Just as the body, though one has many parts, all its many parts forms one body, 1 Corinthians 12. We did it. You can too. With God all things are possible.”
Mike described several examples of how, over the years, Beargrass’ faith in unity and love has impacted countless lives and the community in ways we are still discovering today. He reviewed the recent grant application and project funding in Uganda and celebrated the partnership and process. “To my knowledge, it is the first of its kind for Beargrass Christian Church. That’s powerful. As I pondered Trey’s sermons and his recent messages, Two by Two and Overcoming the Impossible, I am reminded that each one of us are God’s multipliers in this community and we need to take our faith and our service and our love into the world each and every day in all that we do.”
Ministry Teams are an integral part of spiritual growth, unity, and outreach at Beargrass. Their dedicated work is guided by our mission to Worship with Hope, Grow with Love, and Serve with a Passion for Justice. To learn more about Ministry Teams and how you can get involved, contact Leigh Turner, Mission Board Chair, [email protected].