Did you know that our new online directory allows you to upload your own favorite photo? One of the challenges in a church the size of Beargrass is that you may not know everyone who goes to a different worship service or Sunday School class. You can help make Beargrass a more friendly, welcoming place for new people trying to learn who is who… simply by uploading a favorite photo of yourself to the online church directory!
If you haven’t already, please consider taking 1-2 minutes to upload your photo to the Shelby Directory app by following the instructions below (these photos will be available ONLY to current church members with password-protected login access). If you do not currently have a photo on your computer/device, please contact the church office to arrange a time to stop by and have your photo taken here at Beargrass. If you would like us to upload your photo for you without having to go through these steps, simply email your photo to [email protected] and we’ll add your photo to the church directory for you.
If you already have the ShelbyNext app loaded on your phone or tablet:
- Launch the ShelbyNext app and make sure you are logged in (if you do not know your personal login info, please contact Marikeith Mercke in the church office at [email protected].
- On the first main screen of the app, select “My Profile” (at the very bottom, underneath “Individuals, Groups…” etc.)
- While looking at your profile with your current contact information, tap the circle image up top (that will either have the empty gray photo placeholder or whatever your current photo is)
- Select “Edit”
- Choose your favorite image from your current photos or launch the camera option to take a new photo from your device
- Select the checkmark in the top left corner
- You’re all done!
(Note: while you are on your member profile, you can also update any of your contact info by clicking the green circle with the 3 dots and then select “Edit”) - As a safety precaution, any changes to your photo or contact info will be reviewed/accepted by the church office, so changes may not take place right away
If you do not have the ShelbyNext app loaded on your phone or tablet, or if you prefer to make changes on a computer:
- From any web browser, go to www.beargrass.org/directory
- From the Beargrass website, scroll down to find and click the red box “Open Web App”
- Log in using your individual account. If you do not know your personal login info, please contact Marikeith Mercke the church office at [email protected].
- In the top-right corner, click the gray circle with your initials
- Click “View Profile”
- When you are on the page with your profile that shows current contact information, tap the pencil icon in the top-right corner
- You are now on the page to edit your profile. On the right side, there is a section titled “Picture.” Click the word “browse” where it says, “Drop file here or browse” (or if you already have a profile photo and wish to change to a different one, first click the “X” where your current photo is to delete it and then click the word “browse” to choose a new photo.
- Upload your favorite image from your computer and confirm your choice
- Click the blue “Save” button on the bottom of the page, and then you’re all done!
(Note: while you are on your member profile, you can also update any of your contact info) - As a safety precaution, any changes to your photo or contact info will be reviewed/accepted by the church office, so changes may not take place right away