Worship with Hope, Grow with Love,
and Serve with a Passion for Justice.

Beargrass 101 Brunch, August 4th at 10 am

New to Beargrass? You are invited to join us for an upcoming opportunity to learn more about our church at our next “Beargrass 101 Brunch” on the first Sunday of each month! This free brunch is open to all recent visitors and new members and will take place in between the two morning worship services from 10:00-11:00am.

Newcomers will  get to know our ministers and one another, learn more about our church and the Disciples of Christ denomination, connect with mission/service opportunities, understand what it means to become a member at Beargrass, and ask any questions you may have.

Please RSVP using the link below so that we can have an accurate food count. Beargrass 101 will take place in the Conference Room (across from the coffee bar, at the Shelbyville Rd side of the building just inside the large column entrance). Nursery care is available for young children, and Sunday School classes for children/youth also take place during this hour each week.


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