Worship Times: 9:00 am – Contemporary | 11:00 am – Traditional Scripture: Acts 2:1-18, Trey Flowers, preaching
Worship Times: 9:00 am – Contemporary | 11:00 am – Traditional Scripture: Acts 2:1-18, Trey Flowers, preaching
Scripture: Acts 20:7-12 “So we should not, we as people of faith, we should not ever be too alarmed, wasting time, wondering whether God’s love might have been just merely for one time or one place or one people…. for if indeed we find ourselves sleepy once in a while, don’t ever forget the true…
On Sunday, May 19th, we invite our 9 a.m. on-line worshipers to join in a time of connection and reflection via Zoom following communion. Our time together will allow us to find deeper connection to God and one another as we reflect on elements in the service that spoke to us and share in prayer…
This Sunday’s Worship, May 5, 2024, Dr. Trey Flowers, PreachingScripture: John 15:9-17 9:00 AM Contemporary with Praise Team // 11:00 AM Traditional with Choir and Organ
To celebrate Mother’s Day, the Children’s Ministry Team is sponsoring a photo booth in the gathering space on Sunday, May 12 from 8:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Families can take either serious or funny photos with their mom in front of a special backdrop. Members of the Children’s Ministry Team will be there to take the…
“To the end of the world in the heavens, God has pitched a tent for the sun.” Discussion/Sermon Start Time: 17:39
As we prepare to join together in worship this morning, we remind you that all are invited to bring a flower (or two!) to place on the cross in the gathering space as you enter the Sanctuary. We look forward to worshiping together on-line and in person and pray you find the service you attend…