Worship with Hope, Grow with Love,
and Serve with a Passion for Justice.

Pentecost Perspectives

Rock and Role (Matthew 16:13-20)

Sunday, August 23, 2020 INTRODUCTION. As I said in the E-News, I would prefer to have face-to-face conversations with all of the members and friends of Beargrass. But that is not feasible, so if you haven’t seen the video, read the E-News, or “heard through the grapevine,” here we go. Ellen and I have been reflecting about my retirement date. We think…

Matthew 15:21-28

This week’s story from Matthew 15 will become more powerful for us if we remember the timing and context. Jesus has been trying to get a break. He goes off to pray and get away from the crowds. He even packs up his pals in a boat and sends them out to sea. But after a rather stormy conclusion, Jesus is thrust…

Pentecost Perspectives

Creation, Care, Commitment, Community. Last Sunday I began a series called “Pentecost Perspectives.” We thought about the giving of the gift of the Holy Spirit to the disciples from John’s point of view. His story describes Jesus “breathing” on them—the Spirit is given peacefully and privately. Next Sunday we will focus on the more familiar…

Pentecost Perspectives

The theme for the upcoming services is “Pentecost Perspectives.” What comes to your mind when you hear the word “Pentecost?” Although Pentecost is the longest “season” of the Church by far, stretching from May until December, some of us aren’t sure “what it’s all about” or “what to do with it.” Some of us might…