Worship with Hope, Grow with Love,
and Serve with a Passion for Justice.

Sermons by Dr. Leigh Bond

Rejoice Together!

Philippians 4:1-9 Sunday, October 25, 2020 Beargrass Christian Church INTRODUCTION. First, Ellen and I want to express our deep gratitude to you. Last Sunday we were overwhelmed by all of the Beargrass Saints who came by for the “Bond-Voyage” celebration. What a joy it was to see so many of you “live and in person.”…

Rock and Role (Matthew 16:13-20)

Sunday, August 23, 2020 INTRODUCTION. As I said in the E-News, I would prefer to have face-to-face conversations with all of the members and friends of Beargrass. But that is not feasible, so if you haven’t seen the video, read the E-News, or “heard through the grapevine,” here we go. Ellen and I have been reflecting about my retirement date. We think…

Matthew 15:21-28

This week’s story from Matthew 15 will become more powerful for us if we remember the timing and context. Jesus has been trying to get a break. He goes off to pray and get away from the crowds. He even packs up his pals in a boat and sends them out to sea. But after a rather stormy conclusion, Jesus is thrust…

Pentecost Perspectives

Creation, Care, Commitment, Community. Last Sunday I began a series called “Pentecost Perspectives.” We thought about the giving of the gift of the Holy Spirit to the disciples from John’s point of view. His story describes Jesus “breathing” on them—the Spirit is given peacefully and privately. Next Sunday we will focus on the more familiar…

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Recognizing Resurrection – In His House

We continue our Recognizing Resurrection series by looking at John 14:1-3. But I suspect that because of the pandemic (and life in general), we are ready to hear these words again. What troubles your heart? What troubles the hearts of your loved ones? We want to join you in prayer for what might be troubling…

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The Lens of Lent: Re-Visioning

You can watch the entire service here. The Lens of Lent sermon series continues with Dr. Leigh Bond inviting us into the practice of re-visioning our world, community and one another. Based upon John 9:1-12 (13-41) What does the call to be a re-visionist look like in the midst of a global pandemic? What does…

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The Lens of Lent – Insight

This week we continue with our Lenten sermon series “The Lens of Lent” with the story of the woman at the well found in John 4:5-19. The woman is female, nameless, a Samaritan (generally despised by Jews), and may be despised by her neighbors because of their perceptions of her past. She comes to Jesus…

The Lens of Lent: Oversight

The theme for the upcoming messages is “The Lens of Lent.” What comes to your mind when you hear the word “Lent?” Many of us think about “giving something up”—like chocolate or an unhealthy habit. I have also encouraged people to “take something on”—daily devotional time, a study, a renewed commitment to prayer, or new outreach efforts. When we look at our…

Eyes to See the Presence of God

This weekend we will conclude our “Eyes to See” sermon series. We have been thinking about pivotal passages in the Gospel of Matthew. These texts have challenged us to see things differently, to recognize temptation, to accept God’s invitations, to be aware of our blessings, to see the light, and to look for ways to take the “high road” as people of…

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Eyes to See the Higher Road

As we continue to think about the theme of “Eyes to See”, We look to God for guidance and directions for discipleship. Jesus’ words in this week’s portion of the Sermon on the Mount are some of the most challenging we will ever hear. He outlines an alternative, radical way of being and behaving. Some…

Happy New You 2020

Happy New You!

Happy New Year! As the new year begins many folks make resolutions to transform themselves and their lives. Others are a bit more cynical about making resolutions feeling they don’t last and really don’t make much difference. In this sermon, Dr. Bond examines John 1:1-13. In the text, John proclaims Jesus was God’s message to…

Sing Love!

This weekend’s lesson begins with the words, “Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way.” But Matthew could have easily replaced the word “birth” with “adoption” and the story would have been no less miraculous. It is amazing that Joseph treated Jesus as a son, although he was not his biological…

Sing Joy

Sing Joy!

This week, Dr. Leigh Bond turns our focus from Peace to Joy as we enter into the third week of Advent. Looking at Isaiah 35:1-10, Dr. Bond asks if there is a difference between happiness and joy and how God shows joy to the world?

We Are Beargrass

We Are Beargrass: Stewards of Hope

Although stewardship is a daily matter, we devote some time each year for a more focused emphasis on stewardship education. We are called to give prayerful and careful consideration to the ways we will support the mission and ministry with our time, talent, and resources. Christian stewardship is the faithful management of all that God…