As we continue to proceed through the season of Pentecost, we began what will be an extended journey through the middle of the Gospel of Matthew. The focus in Matthew 10 is on discipleship. Jesus gathers his dynamic dozen and gives them power over the diseases of mind, body and spirit. Undoubtedly, they feel honored, humbled and excited to be ambassadors for Jesus and follow in his footsteps.
And yet, Jesus also reveals that the honor comes with a cost. He describes the reality of rejection, refusal and active persecution that they will face. But give them credit—their mission has gone from being glamorous and exciting to what could be a thankless, dangerous, fearful (and possibly one-way) trial of endurance.
But he encourages and exhorts them. In all that they encounter, in the face of every challenge and even during outright persecution, the disciples are to find their strength and their identity in being like Jesus, their teacher. He gives them confidence to proclaim the Good News boldly and tells them not to be afraid.